Health and Well-being with Kirsten Tremlett

We decided we needed to pick the brains of inspiring people in our community, and listen to what they have to say about finding balance and fulfillment in their daily lives.


Kirsten is the founder and facilitator of Byron Wellbeing Retreats. With nearly 20 years experience in the Natural Health industry as a Naturopath and Massage Therapist, her passion is about improving people's quality of life.  She shares with us some of her own inspiring ways that she attains a balanced and healthy life.  


What brings you happiness, positivity and in your daily life?

Surfing, yoga, being in nature, healthy food, my work, and being around positive like-minded people.

What helps you stay inspired and motivated?

Making sure I make time for my own passions and lifestyle and that I take time to nourish and nurture myself also. All my clients and retreat guests inspire me with their journeys and the changes I observe in their health and wellbeing motivate me to want to help others.


What made you want to start a wellbeing retreat? Tell us a little about your journey of developing Byron Wellbeing Retreats.

I have been working in the natural health industry for nearly 20 years as a Naturopath and Massage Therapist. I am also passionate about yoga, surfing, raw food, vegetarian cooking, and living a healthy lifestyle. I formed Byron Wellbeing Retreats with the intention of bringing together all my passions and interests where others could learn and experience it for themselves. I started running health retreats over 7 years ago which has enabled me to reach a far wider audience and bring health and balance into more people’s lives.

What is your biggest learning experience in the past year?

To make time for me to recharge and rejuvenate so that I don’t burn out! A couple of friends my age lost their lives to cancer recently that came out of the blue. It certainly reinforced my view that life is too short for regrets!


How would you encourage people to maintain a healthy lifestyle?

First and foremost, through their diet and lifestyle. Clean nourishing food, pure water, exercise, sunlight, fresh air, stress management, connect with nature, and have a social network.


What inspirational things are going on in your local community?

A lot of awareness and education around healthy eating, organic gardening and sustainable living-love it!!


What is your favourite health product you use at home? And why do you love it?

Cold pressed coconut oil! I eat it, condition my hair with it, nourish my skin with it, and massage my clients with it. Oh yeah, and I make lots of yummy raw desserts and treats with it!


What have you got coming up in the next year? Personal/professional goals.

I’d like to start running retreats overseas in some of my favourite locations like Bali and Thailand-especially over the winter months. So stay tuned!


You can find out more about Kirsten and her retreats here at:

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